Renters Insurance

Whatever your renter’s needs, we’ve got the solution.

Your landlord’s insurance may not cover theft or damage to your personal belongings. At Jefferson Shield Insurance, our agents are here to help protect your property with renters insurance. The value of your belongings can accumulate quickly, and as an independent insurance agency, we partner with top insurance companies to offer you excellent coverage options at competitive prices.

We also recommend safeguarding your assets and future income with renters’ insurance liability coverage. This can provide protection against liability claims and lawsuits in case of accidental injury or property damage that occurs in your rental home or elsewhere. It’s especially important to have liability coverage for adult children living with extended family or friends or returning home.

Take a personal inventory by documenting your possessions with photos or videos, and store these records securely off-site, such as in a safe deposit box or explore other inventory options with your agent. Trust us to provide the coverage you need to protect your personal belongings and provide liability protection for peace of mind.

renters insurance

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